

Global Scholarship

language = "ko"
  • 홈 아이콘
  • 2025 장학지원

  • Global Scholarship

Hyundai Motor Chung Mong-Koo Global Scholarship

Support range
  • 등록금 전액

    Entire tuition fee - Master’s: Maximum 4 semesters including the research semester
    – Doctorate: Maximum 8 semesters including the research semester
    – Combined master’s and doctorate: Maximum 10 semesters including the research semester

  • 학습지원비

    Learning support fund - 6 million won/semester
    (1 million won per month)

  • 해외 진출 장학생 체재비 지원

    Settlement subsidy &
    Graduation incentive
    - 2.5 million won
    (limited to one first time only)
    - 1 million won
    (limited to one final time only)

  • 국제 학술대회 장학금 및 글로벌 우수 장학금 지원

    Scholarship Support System - International Symposium Scholarship: Support participation expenses (once a year below 2.5 million won)
    - Global scholarship of excellence: 3 million won/per person of scholarship and a plaque

  • 재단 장학생 네트워킹 프로그램

    Scholar networking
    and growth program
    - Participation in Global summer camp, Korean culture experience, Networking with Korean scholars etc.

Business introduction

Business purpose

To foster global leaders for the future generation who will contribute to ASEAN-ROK.

Target countries

8 ASEAN countries (Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia)

Joint universities

Seoul National University, Korea University, Yonsei University, Hanyang University, KAIST (general graduate students)

KDI School of Public Policy and Management, KAIST Business School (former civil servants)

Application field

General graduate school students: Business/economics, future industry (intelligence information technology, bio-health, new energy industry), Korean/Koreanology

Civil servants of corresponding countries: Business/economics, politics/public development, etc.

Selection of Scholarship student

Selection period


Twice a year (Spring, fall semester)

Recommendation target


Students from [8 ASEAN countries or target countries] admitted and recommended by the joint graduate schools

Submission documents


Application Form (Provided by Foundation) and relevant documents

Selection procedure

Final selection after the recommendation of each joint Graduate school and selection of foundation office

Recruitment information

General graduate students

Seoul National University Korea University Yonsei University Hanyang University KAIST
Application period March / September December (Spring Semester)
/ June (Autumn Semester)
March / September March / September December (Spring Semester) /
June (Autumn Semester)
Website https://oia.snu.ac.kr https://graduate.korea.ac.kr https://graduate.yonsei.ac.kr https://oia.hanyang.ac.kr https://admission.kaist.ac.kr/intl-graduate/
Contact eakin@snu.ac.kr graduate2@korea.ac.kr ysgrad@yonsei.ac.kr admingrad@hanyang.ac.kr choe.seoyeon@kaist.ac.kr

Former civil servants

KDI School of Public Policy and Management KAIST Business School
Application period September (Spring Semester), April (Fall Semester) August (Spring Semester) / February (Fall Semester)
Website https://kdischool.ac.kr/admissions/ https://admission.kaist.ac.kr/intl-graduate/
Contact internationaladmissions2@kdis.ac.kr kwsh93@kaist.ac.kr

Support range

Business introduction

Selection of Scholarship student

Recruitment information
